
Logosynthesis with Suzanne Uren

Our bodies benefit from movement, both physical movement and inner emotional movement. Over the past 18 months especially many people have become fearful, confused, anxious and don’t know what to believe. They have frozen and stopped moving. I have witnessed this having a detrimental effect on health and vitality.

Events in our lives can activate the past. Logosynthesis helps us to neutralise the experience and helps us to get into being a TRUE ADULT. Logosynthesis is a word base energy healing therapy which can support you in releasing the shackles of deep sub-conscious fears, anxieties and inner worries and can support you in liberating your true self.

Using the power of special sentences, designed to create safety in your body to release, we can unblock frozen energy and as a result we can change numerous beliefs and memories into positive present time experiences.

Our brains are programmed to protect us and have helped us to survive difficult events in our past. However, our brains/thoughts can make everything be felt as a threat and life can feel unsafe.
Our bodies hold the wisdom of how to gently/slowly allow these memories and patterns to heal. Listening to body messages / sensations and becoming aware of our thoughts and beliefs allows us to become more conscious. Anything that wasn’t safe to feel and experience in earlier years gets stored in our bodies. It can block the flow of our energy.

Everything is energy. In order that we can be healthy and grow this energy needs to flow. When the energy freezes in difficult events the frozen energy blocks it from flowing, causing illness,

panic, anxiety, tension, fears, confusion, overwhelm, self-doubt, low self-esteem, inversion, low confidence, poor sleep, intimacy issues, relationship upsets, dysfunction to behaviour patterns, issues with grief and anger and many other experiences.

When energy (consciousness) can flow we can grow and have health and vitality. My belief is it is never too late to unblock your energy and alive-ness. Sometimes it can be 50 or 60 years after an event that a part of us knows that the time has come to explore and heal ourselves. For other people it may be much sooner after a traumatic event (like this present worldwide Covid trauma) that their bodies feel it’s time to heal and release the blockages.

This current situation has caused many people’s nervous systems to disconnect from relaxation and peacefulness. I am finding that logosynthesis and P.E.M.F. Enhancement is supporting people to reconnect to relaxation in their bodies.